Thursday, October 14, 2010

Week 7

Reading this chapter has shown me many ways that you may use technology in the classroom. One interesting tool for writing is called callaborating writings. It gives students the opportunity to write and share documents between one another.

Powerpoints can be very distracting, espically with all the bells and whistles that can be added to your slides. When making a slide oyu need to keep transitions simple and the same that way your audience isn't attempting to guess your next transtion. Keeping animations short and either and the begining or very end of a slide can cut down on distractions as well. I thin keeping powerpoints simple, with a color scheme, and small amounts of extras is the best.

Technology is becoming a very important part of today's education and i believe that powerpoint is still one of the bigest facets in learning. It is so important to know how to use, for creating lesson plans and other presentations.

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